About the project
Kathrin Linkersdorff creates works that can be understood as a synthesis of art and science. She regards pigments as a particular expression of life and as such they have been a focus already in her “Wabi Sabi” and “Fairies” works. In her current “Microverse” series, she goes one step further and now stages artistic photographs using process-based methods from microbiology in order to observe certain organic transformation processes.

To this end, she is working closely with microbiologist Prof Dr Regine Hengge (in the Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Decoloured plant parts serve as a growth substrate for bacteria, enabling them to form colonies and simultaneously produce colourful antibiotics. In the living, grown structures, the complex interplay in the natural process of growth and decay becomes visible as an impressive spectacle of colour.
Kathrin Linkersdorff (*1966) studied photography, architecture and Japanese ink painting. She is currently Artist in Residence at the Institute of Biology/Microbiology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Her work has recently been shown in Berlin, London, Paris, Hamburg and New York.
Planned Guided Tours
Saturday, May 25, 2024
7.30 PM
Sunday, May 26, 2024
10.00 AM
Bahnhofstrasse 49
5600 Lenzburg
Opening hours
Thu – Sun: 10 AM – 5 pm
Thu: 10 AM – 8 pm